
DreamVisual is a company that specialises in website development and digital marketing which I started working with in May, 2015 to develop a client-customisable CMS (Content Management System). This CMS allowed for the client to enter data about events such as dates and times, photos, and descriptions. Unfortunately, I can not provide any information about the specific functionality of the website due to an NDA.


The application itself was primarily built using the Laravel PHP framework. This allowed us to take advantage of the Eloquent ORM, which was used to query the MySQL database; and the Blade templating engine, for easily constructing the applications views.

On the client side, aside from HTML5 and CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery were also used to develop some of the advanced UX functionality such as forcing the user to decide between two events they selected if the start and end times of each intersected in any way. Furthermore, jQuery was used to perform AJAX requests for functionality such as adding and removing events to the user's profile.

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Laravel